IKV Rising Thunder Bird - Ottawa Comiccon

IKV Rising Thunder Bird

Come by and meet the cosplayers of the IKV Rising Thunder Bird at Ottawa Comiccon this year!

KAG has flourished for over three decades. Its success is largely due to the simplicity of its rules and how they universally apply to all members. There is a good reason for each rule.

The Rules of KAG are:

Have Fun!
No Live Steel.
Do Not Embarrass KAG.
Make no Treaties or Alliances.
The Supreme Commander Makes the Rules.
Breaking these rules can lead to dismissal from the Klingon Assault Group.
Have Fun!

The purpose of KAG is fun. We are not a paramilitary organization, but a club for the mutual enjoyment of the things our members have in common – an enthusiasm and appreciation for Klingons and Star Trek in general.

The interest of Star Trek fans is varied and diverse; costuming, language, music, weapons, charities, craft-making, role-playing, cuisine, and simple camaraderie are some of the many areas of interest that members may share. There is no right way to fun in KAG. While a lot of hard work sometimes goes into the production of the spectacular showmanship KAG is known for, the overall purpose of the club is fun. Simply stated, if you’re not having a good time, you’re not doing it right. KAG is primarily a social group.

No Live Steel

Blade or firearm, real or replica, sharp or blunt, made of steel, aluminum, plastic, wood, resin or any other material… obey the laws of the land and the rules of the convention or other event with regard to your weapons.

Unsafe or irresponsible behavior with weapons is a violation of KAG rules.

Do not point a weapon of any kind at someone without their permission. An unsharpened blade pointed at a mundane can appear just as much a threat as a sharp one, and a real-looking prop gun (no matter how it is handled) will appear as more of a threat than a toy ray gun.

Do not unsheathe or wield a real weapon in public. Exception is made for displays and demonstrations sanctioned by the event and within the law.

Live Steel refers to any unsheathed metal or edged weapon. A blade can be prevented from being ‘live’ if it’s ‘peace bonded’, ie: tied into its protective sheath in a way that prevents it from being easily drawn.

The law and convention policy override all other considerations. If convention security wants you to peace-bond, or leave behind, even a plastic knife or gun, do as they require without argument.

If you are breaking the law of the land or convention policy, or handling your weapons in an irresponsible or unsafe way, then you are breaking KAG’s rules and could lead to your dismissal from the club.

Do Not Embarrass KAG

Members should not behave in a manner that dishonors or misrepresents our club, both online and in real life. Don’t speak on behalf of (or misrepresent) more than your authority. Don’t commit crimes while in uniform. (Hey! Just don’t commit crimes, period.) Violating the law in the name of, or under color of, KAG is an embarrassment to KAG and will result in your membership being terminated.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the KAG rule, “Do not Embarrass KAG” is how we interact with other people. Either individually or as a group, either in KAG or out, bigotry is unacceptable. We are, of course, fallible and capable of mistakes of judgment. But a unapologetic pattern of Racism, Sexism, or Bigotry of any kind by a member, either online or in real life, is Embarrassing to KAG, at the least, and may be grounds for expulsion. While people are free to believe what they wish, members should always treat other members as equals and should not allow personal prejudices to influence their attitudes towards others (in the club or non-members). KAG’s Code of Conduct has more details on expected conduct within the club.

Make no Treaties or Alliances

No member of KAG is empowered to sign or verbally commit to any treaty, alliance, or contract that could be taken as binding, legal or otherwise, on the whole club. Signing one’s ship up to participate or assist at an event, for example, is not prohibited by this rule.

The Supreme Commander Makes the Rules

The Supreme Commander is whoever is the current leader of the Klingon Assault Group. There can only ever be one Supreme Commander in KAG at any one time, and only they can make new rules. This is not a club for rule makers and bureaucratic architects. This rule protects the club from unnecessary bureaucracy and keeps the premise of membership very simple.

The Klingon Assault Group is a large and diverse club. The various Fleets and Divisions have some differences in the way they operate according to what works best for them. The rules of KAG serve to bind the club together as a whole. For this reason, they are few and simple, and not to be added to lightly.



