Illustrator Ryan Ottley added to Artist Alley! - Ottawa Comiccon

Illustrator Ryan Ottley added to Artist Alley!

July 23, 2024

Ottawa Comiccon is thrilled to add amazing creators to the 2024 guest list, such as RYAN OTTLEY. Best known for his work on the Invincible series, drawing more than 127 issues of its 144-issue run, Ottley has also worked on The Amazing Spider-Man, McFarlanne’s Haunt, and Hulk, to name a few. ROSSI GIFFORD (Invincible Presents: Atom Eve [Skybound Games], Spirit Leaves, Bitch Planet), MARTIN SLAM DUNCAN (Frankenstein Visions, Dracula Visions), ANTHONY RUTTGAIZER (The First Hero, Heroes of Homeroom C) and CASEY PARSONS (Department of Truth, Ice Cream Man, Swamp Dogs) will also be present in Artist Alley at Ottawa Comicon 2024!


Artist Alley



