James Raiz - Ottawa Comiccon


James Raiz

Hulk: Destruction
Wonder Woman
Birds of Prey


All days 3 days


James Raiz has been a professional illustrator since 2000, starting with Dreamwave Productions on various projects, most notably as the initial penciller of Transformers: Armada. Since then, he has worked for Marvel, DC, DarkHorse and Image, working on many titles such as Hulk: Destruction, Wonder Woman, Birds of Prey, and Star Wars Tales. Since 2005, he has worked on various Transformers projects for IDW Publishing, with the latest being an illustrator on Dark Cybertron.

Currently, James is a Visual Effects Artist and has worked as a Modeler and Matte Painter on movies such as Watchmen, Percy Jackson, and most recently Furious 7. He is also currently the host and producer of his YouTube channel, "TheBoxOfficeArtist"

